Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Families of The Venomous Land Snakes

Families of The Venomous Land Snakes

01. Family-Hydrophiidae
This group comprises all the snakes inhabiting the costal waters around Sri Lanka. There are 13 species sea snakes recorded from Sri Lankan coastal areas. They all are highly venomous snakes.
02. Family- Elapidae
There are 4 highly venomous land snakes in family Elapidae in Sri Lanka. There are
• Common krait(Bungarus caeruleus)
• Ceylon krait(Bangarus ceylonicus)
• Indian cobra(Naja naja naja)
• Coral snake(Calliophis melanurus sinhaleyus)
Among them Ceylon krait (Bangarus ceylonicus) & Coral snake (Calliophis melanurus sinhaleyus) are the endemic in Sri Lanka.
03. Family-Viperidae
There 6 land species land snakes found in family viperidae. Both of highly and moderately venomous included to this family.
• Russell’s viper(Vipera russelli)
• Saw scalled viper(Echis carinatus carinatus)
• Hump nosed viper(Hypnale hypnale)
• Green pit viper(Trimeresurus trigonocephalus)
• Mimard’s humphosed viper(Hypnale nepa)
• Gloyd’s humphosed viper(Hypnale walli)

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